lam Mona

Tirgar, a graduate of art research. I have been painting continuously since

2013. I work in Impressionism, Real, Hyper Real, and my technique is oil and

acrylic. I have painted a lot of works so far, I have had rncre than 10 group

exhibitions and several online exhibitions The title of the selected work in

the Nazareh Festival in 2017 A few examples of my work

. exhibitions

I-Group exhibition in Eric Gallery on 2017/18/12

2-Group exhibition in Saba Gallery on 1397/30/14

3-group exhibition, in Ehsan

Gallery, 1397/13/07

4-Color season group exhibition, in

Yasemi Gallery, Tabriz 1397/09/25

5-The second cultural and artistic festival of Nazareh

in Gheytariyeh Park, Cultural Center of Nations, 1397/10/28 6-The designer of

the cube show in the first seasonal repertoire of the circle, the show house,

May 9th and 10th, 1397 7-Group exhibition in Aseman Gallery, 1398/03/31

8-Group Exhibition of Crying in

Silence at Eric Gallery, 1398/90/12

9-Group exhibition ofthe beautiful

new world in the disciplinary gallery on 1399/11/07

10-0nline exhibition in quarantine

in Elahi Gallery 1399/30/02

I I -Admission to the online

festival of brilliant talents in 1400 TV interview with Mr. Elmi in the

disciplinary gallery on 1399/11/07

12-1n 2017, the Italian

collector Ms. Alexandra Brozetti She bought my work for her collection

13-0nline exhibition of Art

Major Gallery in France and Canada Apr 27 to May 28, 2021

14-The online exhibition of the fifth brilliant talents in

Arezoo 2021 Gallery

. education

Graduated in art research at the postgraduate level

University of Tehran Center

• thesis title

Intertextual study of Hannibal’s

special works